Hair Loss-

Mesh Integration System.

A System Tailor Made For You

Mesh Integration is a hair loss solution for individuals experiencing any form of hair loss. As hair loss becomes increasingly common, remember, you are not alone. There are various types of hair loss, including Alopecia, Trichotillomania, Female pattern hair loss, Chemotherapy-induced hair loss, and more. Mesh integration is suitable for clients who retain at least 50% of their natural hair.

This service is personal, and we understand that many clients prefer privacy over sitting in a busy salon window. At Alchemy Hair, we prioritize your comfort, offering this service outside regular salon hours.

The system employs a breathable, hypoallergenic mesh fabric that serves as a second scalp while allowing natural hair growth underneath. New hair is then attached to the mesh, providing both comfort and confidence.

Our supplier guarantees the hair to last up to 9 months, but with proper aftercare and maintenance, it can last 12-18 months. You can wash and style it as your own, and the added benefit is that this new hair does not get greasy.

We advise maintenance every 6 weeks to ensure the mesh remains securely in place and the hair looks its best. During maintenance appointments, we will tighten the system and attend to any necessary adjustments.

For optimal scalp health, we recommend removing the system every 4-6 months for a refit, which includes a thorough scalp scrub.

Mesh Integration aims to boost confidence, self-esteem, and personal appearance satisfaction. For more information about this hair loss system, please contact us, assured that your inquiry will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.

give us a call 01524 846697